31/03/2006 Article

How to Lose the War on Terrorism:
I. Talking With the ‘Terrorists’

/ Mark Perry & Alastair Crooke

Tags: Bush Administration, Dialogue, Hamas, Hezbollah, Middle East, Political Islam, War in Iraq, War on terrorism

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Part one: Asia Times, March 31, 2006 Seventy-two hours before the Iraqi people voted on a new parliament, on December 12, 2005, we were told

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23/03/2006 Article

Back to 1967

/ Alastair Crooke

Tags: Hamas, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Palestinians

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Prospect, March 23, 2006 On the face of it, the Hamas refusal to recognise Israel seems perverse: plainly Israel ‘exists.’ Tel Aviv is a large

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02/03/2006 Article

Let Them Starve

/ Mark Perry

Tags: Gaza, Hamas, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Occupied Territories, Palestinians

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Bitterlemons, March 2, 2006 In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the US government put in place sweeping new laws and regulations “aimed at identifying

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01/03/2006 Article

Intolerable disappointment

/ Alastair Crooke

Tags: Hamas, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Occupied Territories

1 comment

The World Today, March, 2006 James davies wrote in the American Sociological Review in 1962 that what provokes a people to take down its government

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01/03/2006 Article

Leaning on Hamas

/ Alastair Crooke

Tags: Hamas, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Palestinians

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IPG Journal, March, 2006 In a recent radio debate on us public service radio in which I participated, one of the US speakers said that the

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