15/10/2012 Article

Syria Could be Turkey’s Vietnam

Public opinion vs. Erdogan’s “forward policy” toward Syria

/ MK Bhadrakumar

Tags: Syria, Turkey

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Originally posted by MK Bhadrakumar, 15 October 2012 The recent polls have repeatedly shown that the Turkish public opinion is strongly opposed to any military

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12/06/2012 Article

Fire in Syria (II): The Regime’s Response

Disarray in Syria is no longer confined to politics

/ Ibrahim al-Amin

Tags: Lebanon, Syria, Turkey

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Originally posted on Al-Akhbar English, 12 June 2012 The disarray amongst the Syrian opposition is all-pervading. The factions are at political loggerheads, trading charges of

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11/06/2012 Article

Fire in Syria (I): Preparations on the Turkish and Lebanese Borders

Syria and the Levant region face a critical situation, armed only with uncertainty

/ Ibrahim al-Amin

Tags: Lebanon, Syria, Turkey

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Originally posted on Al-Akhbar English, 11 June 2012 Syria and the wider region are witnessing preparations for a phase that can be described as critical.

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08/06/2012 Article

Syria Crisis: Less Lebanon, More Turkey

The US wants to see Syrian opposition established on the borders with Turkey, not Lebanon

/ Nicolas Nassif

Tags: Lebanon, Syria, Turkey

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Originally posted on Al-Akhbar English, 8 June 2012 As diplomatic deadlock ensures that the conflict in Syria is set to drag on, officials say the

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