Archive for Publications / Cultures of Resistance

11/01/2010 Publication

Cultures of Resistance, issue III


Tags: Iran, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Northern Ireland, Pakistan, Political Islam, Sufism, War on terrorism

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Volume I, Issue III: The Building of a Docile Islam in Britain: How not to Prevent Violent Exremism Spoooked! How not to Prevent Violent Extremism

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Cultures of Resistance [–] Cultures of Resistance is a project that aims to address the Western hostile use of language intended to restrict debate related to mainstream Islamist movements and currents. The project will explore more effective means to respond to hostile use of language – as well as explore how better to insist on extending public debate beyond its standard focus on ‘Islamist violence’ – by launching a ‘positive’ (non-defensive) discourse on Islamism. In partnership with a wide number of social activist and public campaign groups, we aim to advocate for a shift in language from the defensive to the positive; to learn how others, in different struggles, have achieved this transition; and by this means, and by gaining greater critical mass, to open space in which a discourse of rebuttal and ‘resistance’ can be developed through visual and other means to imposed narratives and stereotyping. The aim is the change the terms of debate and to move to a more directly challenging, but more widely accessible, advocacy of understanding of Islamist ideology. Cultures of Resistance magazine will be published twice a year by Conflicts Forum.